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🤝 BardAI, Meet Google Assistant

Google announced plans to merge its generative AI tool, Bard, with its voice assistant.

VoiceBrew is the #1 newsletter for Alexa and Google Assistant enthusiasts

Good morning and Happy Thursday. Google announced plans to merge two of its most cutting-edge technologies: generative AI and voice assistant. Here’s everything you need to know.

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🧠 GoogleGPT

Google Merges Bard AI With Voice Assistant

Meet GoogleGPT: Google has officially announced plans to merge its generative artificial intelligence technology – Bard – with its Google Voice Assistant. With this update, Google plans to push its voice assistant into uncharted territory while also putting pressure on Apple and Amazon to follow suit. Microsoft-backed OpenAI, the other major player in generative AI, has already announced a voice interface for ChatGPT.

The new tool – which Google is calling “Assistant with Bard” – will be rolling out to early testers over the coming months. After a few months of early testing, it will become available for both Apple and Android users.

Google is hoping that implementing generative AI into its voice assistant will help transform it from a “nice to have” to a “need to have” product for consumers.

Assistant With Bard: Modern voice assistants are already capable of searching the web, playing music, and helping control smart homes. While this technology is incredibly impressive, it’s not exactly a necessity for many people. But, Assistant with Bard is hoping to change that.

Google’s Vice President of Assistant and Bard, Sissie Hsiao, has stated that this new assistant will be one step closer to having a digital personal assistant. After prompting the voice-activated technology with “Hey Google”, users will be able to let the AI tackle a wide range of tasks. Assistant with Bard will be able to handle complex tasks like:

  • Planning an upcoming trip

  • Creating a grocery list for a weekend getaway

  • Reading your texts and responding

  • Posting a picture that you just took to social media, along with a caption

Alphabet also recently expanded Bard’s capabilities so that it can analyze data in Gmail and Google Docs. This way, your Assistant With Bard will be able to handle queries like “catch me up on any important emails I missed yesterday” just like a true assistant would.

Finally, AI algorithms are designed to learn over time. Assistant with Bard should be much better than current voice assistants because it will be able to learn your preferences and remember them for the future.

Voice Tech Evolution: Generative artificial intelligence could be the missing link that pushes voice assistants to the next level. Not only will Google with Bard be able to handle requests. But, it will actually understand you and adapt to your needs over time.

Google’s management has also admitted that Assistant with Bard is an “experiment.” This means that it’s safe to assume that not even the world’s biggest technology company is entirely certain where this tech is headed. Since generative AI can be trained over time, there’s no telling how users will leverage Assistant with Bard to bring more convenience to their lives.

But, one thing is for sure: voice assistants are about to get a whole lot smarter.

As the world doubles down on its commitment to renewable energy and sustainability, lithium is taking center stage. Fast becoming known as "white gold," this essential element fuels more than just our smartphones. It provides a powerful backbone to electric vehicles, renewable energy storage, and various other green technologies.

As we move toward a more sustainable future, the demand for ethical and efficient lithium production will likely accelerate significantly. Within this burgeoning industry, Foremost Lithium Resource & Technology (CSE: FAT) is among those uniquely positioned to take advantage of both market demands and the evolving regulatory landscape.

Foremost Lithium's activities and objectives offer a case study of the role proactive industry engagement plays in long-term growth potential. Click here to keep reading.